Last Minute CSCS Study Tips

Aug 01, 2024

Edited by: Danielle Abel

Preparing for the CSCS exam can be daunting, especially if you're only a few weeks away from the test date. To help you maximize your study time and increase your chances of success, here are some focused strategies you can implement immediately.

Take Practice Tests

Taking practice can help you identify the areas where you need the most improvement. For instance, if you consistently struggle with program design questions, dedicate more time to re-reading the relevant chapters. While studying, take detailed notes to reinforce your understanding.

  • Actionable Takeaway: Allocate specific times in your schedule to take practice tests and review the results. Focus on the topics where your scores are lowest.

Once you've identified your weak areas, find additional practice questions related to those topics. For example, if periodization is challenging for you, look for quizzes or practice tests that focus on this topic. This targeted practice can help solidify your understanding and boost your confidence.

  • Actionable Takeaway: Use resources like the quizzes in your CSCS Study Course to zero in on difficult topics. Consistent practice will help you master these areas.

Focus on One Concept a Day

Trying to learn multiple concepts simultaneously can be overwhelming and counterproductive. Instead, dedicate each day to mastering one specific concept. This focused approach allows for deeper understanding and better retention of the material.

  • Actionable Takeaway: Create a study schedule that assigns one topic to each day. Use various resources like textbooks, notes, and online content to fully immerse yourself in the topic.

Different methods of learning can help reinforce your understanding of complex topics. Review your notes, read the material from your textbook, and search for supplementary articles, videos, or podcasts. Teaching the concept to someone else or having them quiz you can also be very effective.

  • Actionable Takeaway: Diversify your study methods. Combine reading, note-taking, and explaining concepts to others to strengthen your grasp on each topic.

Memorize Must-Know Facts

Certain facts and formulas are almost guaranteed to appear on the exam. These include:

  • 3,500-calorie deficit is required to lose 1 pound (ex: 500 calories per day for 7 days) 
  • For athletes greater than 220lbs, depth jumps should be no more than 18 inches
  • Protein range at maintenance for strength & endurance athletes of 1.4g/kg - 1.8g/kg
  • Cardiac Output = heart rate x stroke volume
  • Carbs: 4 calories/gram, Protein: 4 calories/gram, Fat: 9 calories/gram
  • Aerobic endurance athletes – 30-90g carbohydrates during events lasting 60 minutes or longer
  • Karvonen Formula for determining target heart rate! THR = RHR + % (MHR-RHR)

Use Chapter Summaries

Each chapter of your textbook includes a summary of key points. These summaries are invaluable for quick reviews and ensuring that you've covered all the necessary material.

  • Actionable Takeaway: At the end of each study session, review the chapter summaries. Write down any areas where you feel less confident. Then go back and review this material using the suggestions from above. 

Learn from Others' Experiences

Joining a study group, such as the Strength and Conditioning Study Group on Facebook, can provide valuable insights. Members often share their experiences, tips, and strategies that helped them pass the exam. Learning from others can give you new perspectives and study techniques.

  • Actionable Takeaway: Ask questions, share your progress, and learn from the successes and mistakes of others.

Seek Advice from Current Professionals

If you know any strength and conditioning coaches, don't hesitate to ask them for advice. They can offer practical tips and insights based on their experiences. This personalized advice can be incredibly beneficial as you prepare for the exam.

  • Actionable Takeaway: Network with professionals in your field. Reach out to them for guidance and incorporate their advice into your study routine. These can be local professionals or even other strength coaches online.

Conclusion and Summary

Preparing for the CSCS exam requires a strategic approach, especially when time is limited. By taking practice tests, focusing on one concept a day, memorizing must-know facts, and learning from others' experiences, you can maximize your study efforts and increase your chances of passing the exam. Implement these actionable takeaways and stay committed to your study plan for the best results. Good luck!

Support & Courses Available

Ready for more support to help you prep for the CSCS exam? Join our Facebook Group, “Strength and Conditioning Study Group,” here. Ready for even more? Our 24-module CSCS Prep Course has key concepts from each chapter completely laid out for you with even more content than what we’ve provided here, plus chapter quizzes to help you pass the NSCA exam; click the link here to check it out.


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