Compound vs. Complex Sets Training
May 10, 2022
What is the difference between Compound and Complex Training Sets?
The basic difference between the 2 types of training modalities is that compound sets target the same muscle group. In contrast, complex sets combine a resistance training movement with a similar plyometric movement.
Compound Sets:
Pairing of two or more exercises that target the same muscle groups.
- RDL + Hamstring Curl
- Shoulder Press + DB Rev Fly
- Bench Press + Chest Fly
Purpose: Compound sets are designed to fatigue one muscle group with the goal of hypertrophy.
Complex Sets:
Combining a resistance exercise with a biomechanically similar plyometric exercise.
- Trap Bar Deadlift + Band Assisted Squat Jump
- Bench Press + Prone MB Chest Pass
- Split Squat + Lunge Jump
Purpose: Complex Sets are designed to enhance Post Activation Potentiation (PAP). PAP: Activating high threshold type 2 motor units with heavy load followed by a fast rate of force development exercise increases neural drive and power output.
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